
  GI´s Mirko Orešković presented "Guidelines for Public Procurement of Engineering Services"


Image for GI´s Mirko Orešković presented "Guidelines for Public Procurement of Engineering Services"

On Wednesday, 23 May 2012, at HKIG premises, Mirko Orešković, as leader of expert team of Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers (HKIG), presented Guidelines for public procurement of engineer services to Public Employers’ representatives and the interested public.

With the arrival of new Act on Public Procurement in Croatia, HKIG recognized the need to make an appropriate tool which would help all participants of public procurement process with applying advantages the subject Act offers. The barycentre of the Guidelines is the fact that clear specification of Employer’s requirements and expectations is basis for efficient execution of public bidding process, which should be based on unambiguous criteria for assessment of acceptability of each bid, and for their valorisation as per model of economically most favourable bid, where financial and technical value of the bid is weighed. Methods and actions of public procurement process that the Employer can and should use are elaborated and argumented systematically and in detail. Their goal is to organize and conduct the process of public procurement of engineer services in a way that is encouraging for all participants, i.e. their goal is insure optimal economic and technical utilities for the Employer and the whole social community.

Guidelines were made by the expert team appointed by HKIG, in cooperation with representatives of Department for Public Procurement System from Ministry of Economy. Siniša Radaković also participated in the work of expert tem, thus GI provided a significant contribution to creation, preparation and production of subject Guidelines.