
GI's experience combines unrivalled technical expertise with strategic, commercial and financial experience to deliver best innovative, practical and sustainable solutions, tailored to each specific client's needs.

We provide full range of project management services - from business case preparation and advice on key issues to design, implementation, supervision and ongoing support to our clients – from developers and financiers to owners and end-users.

Our focus on providing our clients with the highest quality service and advice over the period of more than 20 years has established us as the leading engineering consultants in Croatia.

Image for Urban Planning
Urban Planning
Image for Architecture
Image for Project Management
Project Management
Image for Engineering Supervision of Works
Engineering Supervision of Works
Image for Project Monitoring & Cost Management
Project Monitoring & Cost Management
Image for Technical Advisory
Technical Advisory
Image for Procurement and Contract Administration
Procurement and Contract Administration
Image for Studies
Image for Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Sources
Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Sources

Urban Planning

Our capability ranges from high level strategic planning of all modes down to micro level assessments of particular development sites or planning issues.

  • Strategic & Urban Development Planning
    Our experience includes local plan research, policy development, monitoring and responding to the development plan process within Croatia, with a particular emphasis on urban development, regeneration policies and projects.
  • Master Planning and Urban Design
    We have experience in urban design and development of master plans including the layout and density of built form, development phasing, open space, infrastructure, public access and landscape requirements.
  • Public Consultation
    We offer assistance in addressing planning and environmental issues and all other aspects of public consultation on major development proposals. We tackle all issues, from planning workshops to public presentations in a sensitive and responsible manner.
  • Site Development Potential Review
    We examine site development potential from both a planning and environmental viewpoint. This includes application of planning standards on such issues as parking, vehicle access and servicing, density and plot ratio (site coverage) to optimise development value.
  • Statutory planning advice
    Our professionals have wide ranging experience of undertaking planning appraisals, negotiating and submitting major planning applications and securing listed building or conservation area consents for our clients.


architectural design is one of GI ''s core services. Our architects bring a large breadth of expertise covering every type of building development – from commercial and cultural to retail and residential.

  • Briefing and Concept
    We believe that open communication is key to understanding all stakeholders'' objectives and developing the right strategy for the project which will optimise its potential on site. GI architects are experienced in managing complex relationships, bringing together clients, stakeholders and users to define and test design briefs. Strategic option studies, comparisons and visualisations assist us in forming and explaining the design to our clients.
  • Main Design
    We produce main designs for both public and private sector clients with an objective to deliver cost effective and buildable solutions that meet our client''s requirements in terms of quality, cost and programme. We prepare the technical documents (construction drawings and specifications), in compliance with building, seismic, and other relevant regulations, that are filed for obtaining construction permits.
  • Detail Design
    We produce detailed designs for projects with an objective to deliver clear, buildable and detailed solutions that meet our client''s expectations and constrains. As part of our consultancy services, we also carry out design and accessibility audits, and technical reviews.
  • Interior Design
    At GI we work closely with clients, users and M&E engineers to bring together colours, forms, materials and lighting into a solution that will work throughout the whole life of the building. We are designing original, high quality and welcoming public spaces, corporate offices and a full range of residential accommodation, meeting the highest aesthetic and technical standards.
  • Landscape Design
    Landscape architecture represents an integral part of the overall design process, making a positive contribution to our environments. We create modern, accessible and easily maintained landscape designs. Our goal is to provide sustainable water management and drainage solutions, from the feasibility study through to site maintenance.
  • Lead Design
    At GI we are experienced in leading designs with complex organisations, complex procurement routes and complex contracts. As a lead designer we make sure that the client’s objectives and aspirations are reflected in the design. Our role is to develop aesthetic foundations and principles, which will inspire every aspect of the project, as well as set the technical standards to which the design should aspire.

In all aspects of our design development we promote innovation and sustainability. We embrace innovation while keeping a sharp focus on functionality, safety, economy, and buildability. At the same time our approach to building design, wherever possible, aims to reduce environmental impact through using passive design techniques that meet high energy efficiency standards.

Project Management

We provide our clients with a single point of management of a construction project including contract administration. We offer expertise at all stages of a project and access to world-class technical skills.

Our professionally qualified and experienced project managers help our clients complete complex projects in a given timeframe, on budget and achieve highest quality with minimum risks.

Our services include:

  • Assistance in definition of project objectives
  • Project programme preparation
  • Concept preparation addressing different project options
  • Control of the scope of the work
  • Project scheduling
  • Optimum use of available resources
  • Procurement, tendering and contract administration
  • Cost and quality control
  • Avoidance of delays and changes
  • Effective communication and mechanisms for resolving conflicts

We do not merely complete our projects. We make sure that we bring maximum value to our clients.

Engineering Supervision of Works

Our construction supervision services represent an important part of our full package of services for project planning and development.

GI is supervising construction, installation and commissioning for a variety of challenging and demanding projects in Croatia, from the construction of bridges and roads to waste recycling projects and complex buildings. GI''s approach is to combine the very best of the local market expertise with the specialist know how of our network of international partners.

We investigate and advise on technical problems that arise during manufacture, construction, commissioning and in service.

Our supervision services include:

  • Ensuring conformity with the permits, plans, laws and regulations
  • Quality assurance
  • Inspecting the construction works, reporting on any deficiencies or irregularities and proposing measures to be taken
  • Quality control and testing of all the construction materials used
  • Monitoring the time schedules
  • Preparation of the final report for the technical inspection

Project Monitoring & Cost Management

Through our fully independent project monitoring service we review the project development with aim to safeguard the commercial objectives of lending institutions involved in financing property developments.

We act as independent certifier. We check compliance and quality, and confirm project completion in accordance with the project requirements.

We offer operational monitoring service on PPP/PFI projects. As work progresses we monitor the quality of the construction services and the suitability of the management systems to deliver and ensure compliance with the project requirements. We identify issues of concern and potential financial and operational risks throughout the project''s operational phase.

Following project completion, we provide regular operational audits with a comprehensive review, which include services focussing on the general state of the structure and operation of the PFI building/asset.

We also provide operational monitoring services on an ad-hoc basis, such as technical advisory on life cycle forecasts, impact of additional construction to the PPP/PFI project or refinance-related queries.


We believe in equal importance of both aspects of the cost management.

Cost Planning and Design Decisions

In GI we understand that the cost management should be made integral part of the design process and that each decision on the scope or quality of the project should be made with the view on its impact on the project cost. By evaluating alternative designs against the client’s value criteria for function, quality and durability, we enable the design team to optimise the design to fit within the client''s budget. Our objective is that project design meets not only the client''s aspirations, but also the client''s budget.

Cost Engineering and Cost Control

Key objective of GI cost engineering is to arrive at accurate cost estimates and schedules and to avoid cost overruns and delays. We exercise cost control through formal change control procedures and regular cost reporting, which gives up-to-date cost information to our client and provides a trail of changes against an approved budget.

Specifically we:

  • Monitor financial plans
  • Review documents regulating financial relationship between the investor and the contractors
  • Review and accept finished works in terms of quantities
  • Control and certify interim and final calculations of works
  • Prepare the price analysis for extra and contingent works
  • Estimate the value of the works completed

Technical Advisory

At GI, we provide our clients with the best possible professional advice, drawing on our own resources and our international best practice networks.

We offer technical advice throughout the procurement process up to financial close and beyond into the implementation and operation phases. This is offered as part of our project management, but we also offer specific technical advisory services on a stand-alone basis.

Our services include:

  • Appraisal of technical issues
  • Risk allocation
  • Evaluation of capital investment and expenditure
  • Technical audits of operational performance and compliance
  • Service level reviews

We offer the benefit of impartial technical advice on any technical aspects of project development and the assurance that their project is implemented correctly and according to all the prevailing technical standards.

Our advisory strength is based on a combination of technical expertise, astute commercial sense and a deep understanding of all the issues, risks and stakeholder considerations.

Procurement and Contract Administration

GI project management services include advice on procurement and tendering methodologies, management of the procurement process from tenderer preparation, through tender evaluation to contract award, and post-contract administration, including the resolution of potential contractual disputes. Up to the client request we could provide this as particular service.

As contract administrators we manage the interaction between the investor and the contractor and the delivery of a project in accordance with the executed contract documents.

The day-to-day administration of the contract during the construction phase of a project includes:

  • Issuing directions to the contractor
  • Monitoring, recording & reporting
  • Providing advice and monitoring compliance with regulations
  • Valuing the work undertaken and recommending payments


The studies we conduct assist our clients with shaping strategy, planning investment, delivering change, exploring feasibility, solving problems, assessing impact or addressing certain specific technical needs.

Our expertise ranges from conducting a technical study, solving a problem in a single specialist area, to a multi-disciplinary study aimed at shaping a national or regional development strategy. We can address the following issues:

  • Feasibility
  • Business planning
  • Strategic
  • Policy
  • Techno-economic
  • Operational
  • Environmental
  • Tariff
  • Optimisation
  • Risk, reliability and safety

Based on our independent professional judgment, the quality of our skills and the breadth of our experiences, all issues in the studies we conduct are properly addressed. The result is the best-in-class studies with unique and powerful insights - a value to our clients.

Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Sources

We help our clients to develop cost-effective sustainable energy policies and to acquire their own renewable energy sources (RES). We assist them in achieving operational improvements and cost reductions in line with their sustainability strategies and carbon emission targets.

We are holders of the national licence for performing energy audits and issuing energy certificates for new and existing buildings. We have engineers who are trained for energy auditing and retrofitting to national and EU energy efficiency standards. We bring top-class expertise in the latest renewable energy generation technologies – wind, solar, hydro, biomass and waste.

We cover many different aspects of managing energy efficiency of buildings and renewable energy projects:

  • Passive design techniques
  • Evaluation of potential for energy and cost savings in existing buildings
  • Managing retrofitting to highest standards of energy efficiency
  • Offering energy performance contracts with guaranteed savings
  • Covering all technical, commercial, regulatory and environmental aspects of renewable energy projects