
  Urban Villas Gramača 1,2 & 3

By providing services of Project managements and Expert supervision, GI successfully achieved Employer's goal to develop three luxury residential houses in Šestine, Zagreb. Šestine was the targeted area, spots with excellent views, best sun orientation and a lot of greenery around to be picked as Employer's choice regardless of the extra cost involved.

This was the first project of company Byder d.o.o in Croatia. Company is fully owned by Byder GmbH, a German company established with head office in Munich. Project consisted of three luxury residential houses in Šestine, Zagreb. Residential house Gramača 1 (560 m2) is located in Gramača street and consists of five apartments varying from 88 to 115 m2. Each apartment has two parking places and spacious garden or big terrace.

Residential houses Gramača 2 i 3 (each 600 m2) are located, side by side, in Ive Serdara street and consist of four apartments each, varying from 110 to 140 m2. Each apartment has two parking places and spacious garden or big terrace. Materials used for construction and finishing works are of highly classed quality and this confirmed Employer’s original idea of developing luxury apartments.

Residential Buildings

Urban Villas Gramača 1,2 & 3

  • Services rendered

    Project management Engineering Supervision of Works
  • Project size

    1 760 m2
  • Project value

  • Project period

    2004 - 2006
  • Investor

    Byder d.o.o.