Commercial and residential building Banjavčićeva 5 is situated in urban environment area which is transforming from working into residential and commercial area. This project has derived existing context into modern urban residential building.
By context we could named city block in which centre is situated the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes and on the south is situated disorderly half transformed industrial area. This city block as itself is not strictly defined on public area or half-private or private. Large part belongs to the Furnir retail warehouse with carpentry facility and a part of the street area toward Vrbanićeva street is not constructed.
Commercial and residential building in Banjavčićeva street is designed to transform this disordered and undefined parts of block. The southern edge of the plot is designed to be open for possible pedestrian connectors to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes with its green courtyard on the one side and on the other side to Furnir retail warehouse as potential quality urban centre of the block.
The building is rectangular in plan and section is in U-shape with ground floor on pillars within glazed office spaces and a ramp for the descent into the garage. Unique street building is divided into two wings of the building; south and north wing with park between them which is opened to east and west. The three floor garage was designed under the building and -1 floor of garage is partially in the ground. The communication system of the building is gallery. Galleries are projected towards the inner courtyard which is park representing space for socialization of all residents.