
  Importanne Shopping Center

30.000m2 shopping centre and public garage project under the Main Railway Station in the center of Zagreb, for which GI performed project and construction management services. At the time of construction it was the larget shopping center in Zagreb.

Excavation works for the construction pit were executed after the reinforced concrete diaphragm on the whole project perimeter was constructed. The level of underground water around the project excavation was 4 meter under the street level, and excavation bottom was at 13 meter under the street level. Project structure is the reinforced concrete: columns and slabs with no underlining. The ventilation and installation duct is of the whole north depth of the project. There are lifts, escalators and staircases enabling the vertical communication.

The special innovation in construction was made on suggestion of Investinženjering engineers, and it was placing of vertical drainage materials ensuring appropriate elimination of horizontal pressure from leachate water column at the diaphragm (with constant pumping of leachate waters from the collection wells). That saved the expenses for complicated and expensive vertical water insulation layer. Finishing of individual facilities for their final purpose was made in a way and form to emphasize the individual feature of each facility, but also respecting the form of the whole project. The construction of the project was completed by reinstatement of a park according to landscaping project. All works were executed in foreseen deadlines and in the scope of planned budget.

Commercial, Office & Complex Buildings

Importanne Shopping Center

  • Services rendered

    Project and Construction Management
  • Project size

  • Project value

    36 million €
  • Project period

    1993 - 1995
  • Investor

    Importanne Toronto, Canada