The business and residential complex M2 A,B,C located on the western edge of Zagreb residential neighborhood Vrbani III comprises the eight level residential building, a commercial three level horizontal building and a residential tower.
The competition project was conceived as an integral solution through three zones. The eight level residential building on plot M2C, a commercial three level horizontal building on plot M2B which extends further north into zone M2A where it’s terminated by a residential tower with a height of 14 floors.
The concept of a horizontal business building is set up as a clear barrier with passages that separates the interior of the neighborhood from the extended Vrapčanska road. Ground floor in zone M2A and M2B is resolved as free standing pavilions with shops. The problem of lighting in the business part of the building because of the large horizontal depth is solved with atrium penetration. The third floor in the horizontal part of the building inside M2A area is occupied by a set of housing units typologically similar to terraced housing. The structure of M2A and M2B building is a reinforced concrete skeleton system of slabs and columns while in M2C a system of walls and slabs is used.
On the M2A parcel the building area above ground is 32.570 m² and 13.885m² below ground on two sub levels. On the M2B parcel the building area is 24.748 m² of which above ground 14.182 and 10.566 m² below ground on two sub levels. On the M2C parcel the building area above ground is 10.480m² and 3.048m² below ground on two sub levels.