The Sports complex project is located in Zagreb in Vrbani III area and is designed as a complete solution composed of three segments: circular building of the Croatian Olympic Committee with underground parking space, small and large sports hall for 5.000 spectators and the accompanying activities, and a semi-closed full-size Olympic swimming pool for 2.000 spectators and a hotel.
The Sports complex is located in an area of Zagreb's new housing settlements, Vrbani III. The project was designed as a complete solution composed of three segments of 3 different authors.
The northern part of the land belongs to the circular building of the Croatian Olympic Committee (COC), with underground parking space of 590 pm, designed by MMMM Jošić. The building contains a conference center buried in the access square that extends below the building. The height of the building is ground +2, with a total area 7.049 m2 and 6.094 m2 square accession.
Middle part of the complex consists of small and large sports hall for 5.000 spectators and the accompanying activities, designed by Studio for Architecture. The halls were half-buried to the ground just a cube roofs stand out, leaving a space between the public square, extending further south to the pool area which was also buried. The total gross area, which occupies the hall is 14.338 m2 with 8.352 m2 external areas.
The southern part consists of a semi-closed full-size Olympic swimming pool with a stand for 2.000 spectators and the hotel, designed by Studio A-GI. The external areas, deck and outdoor swimming pools occupy a 8.158 m2 for the swimming pool, public square 1.600 m2 and 3.300 m2 outdoor terrain. Hotel has a height of ground +8 organized with rooms in the north and south with a gross area 13.250 m2 The Hall and swimming pool are provided as a steel frame columns and grids, while the COC and hotel construction is of RC columns and plates. Sports facilities are given maximum daylight, with special attention given to areas in shadow.
The concept clearly separates the outdoor sports grounds of the closed arena located throughout the stretch along the edge of land, while the public square is the element that unites three separate entities.
Studio A cooperated with Studio za arhitekturu_MMMM Jošić.