Our capability ranges from high level strategic planning of all modes down to micro level assessments of particular development sites or planning issues.
- Strategic & Urban Development Planning
Our experience includes local plan research, policy development, monitoring and responding to the development plan process within Croatia, with a particular emphasis on urban development, regeneration policies and projects.
- Master Planning and Urban Design
We have experience in urban design and development of master plans including the layout and density of built form, development phasing, open space, infrastructure, public access and landscape requirements.
- Public Consultation
We offer assistance in addressing planning and environmental issues and all other aspects of public consultation on major development proposals. We tackle all issues, from planning workshops to public presentations in a sensitive and responsible manner.
- Site Development Potential Review
We examine site development potential from both a planning and environmental viewpoint. This includes application of planning standards on such issues as parking, vehicle access and servicing, density and plot ratio (site coverage) to optimise development value.
- Statutory planning advice
Our professionals have wide ranging experience of undertaking planning appraisals, negotiating and submitting major planning applications and securing listed building or conservation area consents for our clients.