GI is a privately owned group of companies that in a synchronized way pursues common goals in the broad range of complementary professional services in the construction industry. It comprises of:
Our operational structure is flexible, dynamic and strictly service and project-based. This enables us to offer services tailored to the specific needs of our clients. Our organization also allows us to acknowledge and value individual contributions of our employees.
Our leaders commonly determine our direction as a business and set our priorities and policies.
Mirko Orešković - President, GI Group
Mirko Orešković is co-founder of Investinženjering and a widely recognized expert in the area of construction project management. His rich professional experience in construction consulting and management business is built into the very groundwork of GI Group. He was the first in Croatia to implement the idea of independent monitoring of construction projects and to introduce the construction project logbook as an established practice. His master’s degree was in the field of construction organization and his PhD in project management. He has more than 60 published scientific and technical works, has participated in fifty-plus professional symposiums, conferences and consultations. A board member of the Croatian Chamber of Construction Architects and Civil Engineers and the Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers (HKIG); President of HKIG Professional Standards Commission; member of HKIG International Cooperation Commission; member of HKIG Commission for Cooperation with the Educational System; for many years acting as Croatian representative at the European Council of Civil Engineers; a member of the Croatian Association of Consultants; a member of the Croatian Association of Project Managers, a Croatian representative at the European Council of Engineers Chambers, which he co-chaired and chaired. In 2011 Mirko received Lifetime Achievement Award „Kolos“ from the Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers.
Slobodan Jeričević - President of the Management Board, Investinženjering d.o.o.
Slobodan Jeričević is co-founder of Investinženjering with rich professional experience acquired through work as supervising engineer, consultant or project manager on demanding and complex projects in public and private sectors. He has extensive experience in working with FIDIC contracts with AerRianta International in Moscow, and with GTZ in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. He has broad training for working with various types of contracts in FIDIC format. Since 1999 he has been practising a new version of FIDIC contracts as project manager and head of procurement for the EBRD-financed Jakuševac waste disposal project in Zagreb. He worked on the implementation of the Hypo Alpe Adria business centre in Zagreb, the procurement of works for CARDS-financed Bregana (CRO/SLO) and Bajakovo (CRO/SRB) border crossings. He was also in charge of procurement for the Sopnica-Jelkovac Housing Project, Sesvete and for EBRD-financed Water Supply and Drainage Project of the Zagreb Holding. Slobodan is a member of the Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers.
Olja Orešković Andrianou- Član Uprave Investinženjering d.o.o.
Olja Orešković Andrianou, diplomirani je ekonomista i magistar poslovnog upravljanja. Svoju karijeru je započela u bankarstvu na poslovima tržišta kapitala u Zagrebačkoj banci, a nakon završenog MBA studija na London Business School karijeru je nastavila u Belgiji u EMEA sjedištvu farmaceutske tvrtke iz grupe Johnson & Johnson kao regionalni financijski kontrolor. Prije nego što se pridružila Investinženjeringu, osnovala je i u provim godinama radila na razvoju britanske tvrtke za dizajn i proizvodnju namještaja Adonis Pauli Home Jewels. U Investinženjeringu je zadužena za financije i razvoj novih poslovnih područja.
Ivana Jeričević Starčević- Član Uprave Investinženjering d.o.o.
Ivana Jeričević Starčević ima titulu Executive MBA sa IEDC Bled School of Management, te je ovlaštena nadzorna inženjerka građevinarstva. Tijekom karijere stječe iskustvo vođenja projekata i nadzora velikih projekata, internacionalno (USA - izgradnja rezidencijalnih naselja u državi Texas) i lokalno (Hrvatska - više poslovno stambenih projekata preko 200.000 m2). Od 2012. godine članica je Uprave tvrtke te je zadužena za upravljanje investicijama tvrtke, razvojem kadrova i organizacijom administrativnog poslovanja.
Aktivna je članica je MBA Croatia, IEDC Alumni Cluba i Hrvatske komore inženjera graditeljstva, te je ovlaštena voditeljica projekata-IPMA, Level C.
Damir Stipanov- Direktor Investinženjering d.o.o.
Damir Stipanov ovlašteni je inženjer građevinarstva s bogatim iskustvom koje je stekao u izvođenju, nadzoru, upravljanju projektima i realizaciji projekata po FIDIC ugovorima. Posjeduje iskustvo u realizaciji velikih infrastrukturnih projekata, poput projekta izgradnje autoceste, plinovoda, državnih cesta, izgradnje sustava odvodnje i vodosprema, kao i raznih objekata visokogradnje. Iskustvo u vođenju projekta je stekao na realizaciji više projekata, a ujedno je i certificirani voditelj projekta – IPMA Level C. Kroz realizaciju predmetnih projekata stekao je opsežno iskustvo s više vrsta FIDIC ugovora.
Član je Hrvatske komore inženjera građevinarstva (HKIG), a od 2011 i Stalni sudski vještak za graditeljstvo.
Edvin Bralić- Izvršni direktor Investinženjering d.o.o.
Edvin Bralić, ovlašteni inženjer građevinarstva, bogatog je iskustva u projektiranju i nadzoru. U projektiranju je izrađivao građevinske dijelove projekata visokogradnje i niskogradnje. U području nadzora ima zavidno raznovrsno iskustvo na projektima niskogradnje: čeličnih i AB mostova, podvožnjaka, raznih prometnica: lokalnih i državnih cesta, autocesta, najvećih gradskih prometnica grada Zagreba, željezničkog stajališta te objekata visokogradnje: veterinarskih i fitosanitarnih inspekcijskih postaja, skladišta i skladišno-distributivnog centra. Dokazao se kao voditelj projekta na infrastrukturnim građevinama izgradnje naselja Sopnica - Jelkovec. Certificirani je voditelj projekta - IPMA Level C. Stručno informatičko znanje uspješno primjenjuje u cilju unaprjeđena djelovanja tvrtke i u provedbi graditeljskih projekata. Ima višegodišnje iskustvo u radu prema FIDIC ugovorima te iskustvo ključnog stručnjaka u projektima financiranih od EU-a.
Dejan Dragić- Izvršni direktor Investinženjering d.o.o.
Dejan Dragić je ovlašteni nadzori inženjer građevinarstva sa višegodišnjim iskustvom na upravljanju FIDIC Ugovorima i nadzoru izvođenja različitih velikih projekata uključujući projekte financirane od strane EU i EBRD-a. Posjeduje iskustvo u realizaciji velikih infrastrukturnih projekata, poput projekta vodoopskrbe i odvodnje za Zagrebački Holding te projekta vodoopskrbe i odvodnje grada Karlovca koji su realizirani sukladno FIDIC uvjetima ugovora. Isto tako posjeduje specifično iskustvo izrade natječajne dokumentacije te provedbe cjelokupnog postupaka nabave sukladno pravilima i procedurama EBRD-a. Kroz specijalistički poslijediplomski studij stekao je zvanje sveučilišnog specijalista iz područja organizacije građenja i menadžmenta u graditeljstvu.
Član je Hrvatske komore inženjera građevinarstva(HKIG) , član je Skupštine HKIG-a te je član Hrvatske udruge za organizaciju građenja.
Matej Zupčić- Izvršni direktor Investinženjering d.o.o.
Matej Zupčić ima opsežno iskustvo iz područja Projektiranja konstrukcija, Ispitivanja građevinskih materijala i konstrukcija, Nadzora nad gradnjom te Upravljanja FIDIC ugovorima. Magistar je znanosti iz područja tehničkih znanosti, polje građevinarstvo, grana nosive konstrukcije. Stekao je stupanj magistrira znanosti i iz interdisciplinarnog područja društvenih i tehničkih znanosti, grana Poslovno upravljanje (MBA in construction) sa magistarskom temom iz područja Upravljanja građevinskim projektima. Publicirao je preko 20 stručnih radova. Član je skupštine HKIG u dva saziva, od 2009 do 2013, te od 2014 do 2018.
Kroz dugogodišnje iskustvo rada na složenim građevinskim projektima stekao je specifična iskustva upravljanja projektima u cestogradnji (Autoceste i državne ceste) te lukama (Luka Brajdica i Zagrebačka obala).
Andrew Yeoman - Director, Tower 151 Architects - Zagreb d.o.o.
Andrew Yeoman heads strategic planning and development analysis. With over 25 years in the business he brings a wide range of experience to the GI Group as both a designer and project manager. Andrew has been responsible for the Project Management of the largest development in Croatia , HAAC and main designer in several large scale developments both in Croatia and Europe namely, the Orestaden programme in Copenhagen (won in an international competition) and the Adidas headquarters in Germany, and the ELT – the enclosure of the European Largest telescope. Andrew’s core capabilities are design leadership (concept and inception), detail design and execution design, urban planning, constraint planning, logistic and strategic frameworks, design management, project programming (incl. procurement planning, tendering, evaluation procedures, reporting), cost planning, contract preparation for FIDIC and project management.
Nenad Kondža - Director, Studio A d.o.o.
Nenad Kondža is an author and senior designer with rich experience in architectural design jobs. His activities also include town planning and heritage conservation projects. Awarded Commendation at the 23rd Zagreb Salon for raising public awareness of architectural heritage by his creative renewal of the city’s cultural heritage inventory; winner of the 2001 Bernardo Bernardi Award for accomplishments in the area of interior design, specifically for the renewal of the ground floor and a part of the basement of the Central Post Office in Zagreb. Nominated for Bernardo Bernardi Award for the reconstruction and extension of the Plinacro company building in Zagreb, as well as Mies van der Rohe and Piranezi awards for the reconstruction and extension of the State Archive building in Sisak. Nenad is a licensed architect, a member of the Croatian Chamber of Architects. He acted as a member of the Executive Board of the Society of Architects, the Presidency of the Association of Croatian Architects and the Executive Board of the Croatian Chamber of Architects, a president of the services pricelist committee of the Croatian Chamber of Architects, Vice President of the Association of Croatian Architects and President of the Professional Council of the Association of Croatian Architects.
Bogomir Hrnčić - Director, Studio A, d.o.o.
Bogomir Hrnčić is an author and main designer with longstanding experience in construction and versatile technical knowledge demonstrated in designing residential, combined commercial and residential buildings, tourist facilities, nautical centres and marinas, as well as industrial structures. On a series of referential projects he has been a main designer or project manager: reconstruction of the Central Post Office building in Zagreb, Utrine-Zagreb Catering Training Centre, reconstruction of the post office buildings in Šibenik, Zadar, Knin and Biograd on the Sea, the PBZ office building and a number of PBZ branches, Varteks Department Store in Rijeka. Bogomir is a member of the Croatian Chamber of Architects and the Zagreb City Society of Architects and a winner of several awards as author or co-author of architectural solutions for commercial, residential and school buildings, tourist zones and hotels.